Treasures to explore

The word thesaurus is derived from Greek and originally meant treasure or treasury. Indeed, thesauri have been seen as treasures of knowledge. Find out below which of these evocative treasures are available for you to explore.

A Thesaurus of Old English

- by Jane Roberts & Christian Kay with Lynne Grundy  (version: 26 May 2017)

This historical thesaurus captures the vocabulary of early medieval English, spoken between roughly 500 and 1100. Words that are considered similar in meaning are grouped together. Those that are special, because they are found only in poetry or glosses, are marked with a label.

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Andreas Thesaurus

- by Thijs Porck  (version: 1.0, published Nov 2, 2021)

This thesaurus contains words and phrases found in the Old English text Andreas. These words and phrases have been located in A Thesaurus of Old English and are tagged with the label 'andreas'.

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Ælfrician Vocabulary

- by Amos van Baalen  (version: 1.0, published Nov 11, 2021)

This dataset contains words and phrases that are characteristic of the language use of Ælfric of Eynsham (c.955-1010), a prolific writer of Old English texts. These words and phrases have been located in A Thesaurus of Old English and are tagged with the label 'Ælfrician'.

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Beowulf Thesaurus

- by Thijs Porck  (version: 1.0, published Nov 2, 2021)

This thesaurus contains words and phrases found in the Old English text Beowulf. These words and phrases have been located in A Thesaurus of Old English and are tagged with the label 'beowulf'.

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Old English Martyrology Thesaurus

- by Thijs Porck  (version: 1.0, published Nov 2, 2021)

This thesaurus contains words and phrases found in the Old English text called the Old English Martyrology. These words and phrases have been located in A Thesaurus of Old English and are tagged with the label 'oemartyrology'.

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Old Frisian: Kinship

- by Rita van de Poel & Sander Stolk  (version: 1.0, published Nov 17, 2021)

This dataset adds Old Frisian words and phrases pertaining to the semantic domain of Kinship to A Thesaurus of Old English, expanding the hierarchy of the thesaurus with specialized concepts specific to the medieval Frisian culture where necessary.

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... your own thesaurus ...

The thesauri mentioned above are the ones currently supported by Evoke. Other ones publically available on the Semantic Web will be added in the near future (and not just English ones). In addition, you will soon be able to add your own thesaurus -- no matter how small or large! A clear guide will be provided to show you just how to do this in the easiest manner possible. Follow us on to keep track of new content and functionality.
